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Site Index - Click to navigate through the site
Bumper Stickers:
![]() Free Bumper Stickers! (While they last!) |
My Personal Voting Recommendation: | Our republic depends on the integrity of our voting process. Anyone knowing your voting preferences can send you a fake ballot for intentional disqualification, as is what will happen with any tiny filing mistake you will most likely make, because of the required complication of voting by mail. This election and our freedom are way too important; so if you can, on November 3rd, Please vote in person. |
Lawn Signs:
![]() Free Lawn Signs! (While they last!) ![]() check with your name, address, employer, and occupation to: CTE Steve Tougas P.O. Box 690731 Quincy, MA 02169 |
"Why me? Why now? What can I do for you?...  For years I've already been asking and answering, "What can I do for us?" I've been fighting an out-of-control state government by doing, like collecting thousands of signatures to repeal the Forever Gas Tax, saving the people of my district money every time they buy locally, and starting a ballot initiative to stop the proliferation of the Mass Pike tolls to all the major highways. I've volunteered to help candidates all across Massachusetts with my time, energy, and money. Now I want to fight the current tax-and-spend culture from within our state government. On Tuesday November 3rd, please elect me, and I will continue to work for you as your State Representative to lower and to keep your taxes low."--Steve Tougas |
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Please feel free to contact me for more information, or if you would like to request that I speak at your venue. |
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If you wish to support my efforts through volunteering by doing such activities as collecting signatures, door knocking, distributing literature, making phone calls, stuffing envelopes, or holding signs; by all means, please contact me. I would appreciate your help. Thank you so much! |
NOTE: | When I wrote this web site, I had to settle between those who wanted me to write a simplistic web site with limited information (i.e. to assume the reader will have a short attention span), or to assume the reader will want to spend the time to really get to know who I am, in order to cast an educated vote. Well, just the fact that you're reading this proves my critics wrong, and that there are many of the electorate who will spend the time to understand where I'm coming from. In order to accommodate both voter types, I have tried to organize things in sections with bullet points, and I have also included text and embedded links for those who want to do their own research and know more than just the talking points of the short attention span mainstream media. |
![]() Steve Tougas ![]() Steve Tougas, 2017 Quincy City Council At-Large Candidate's Night, Merrymount Park ![]() Steve Tougas |
Steve Tougas of Quincy:
Pictures and Links:
![]() Steve Tougas, Explaining on QATV how he saved Quincy residents money, every time they buy locally, 2017 Quincy City Council At-Large Campaign ![]() Steve Tougas, Delivering 100,000 raw signatures to the Secretary of State ![]() Steve Tougas, Collecting End Common Core Signatures, In front of Sears, South Shore Mall, Braintree ![]() Steve Tougas, Delegate, 2014 State Convention ![]() Steve Tougas, CPAC 2015 ![]() Steve Tougas, Rally On The Boston Common, 2013 |
As a candidate for the people of 3rd Norfolk District, I support:
![]() Steve Tougas, Introducing himself on QATV, 2017 Quincy City Council At-Large Campaign |
Steve Tougas' Grassroots Endorsements:
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America - Yes, 100%! America and Americans FIRST! And, the rights of the individual come BEFORE the rights of the collective. That is the republican form of government we were given, and that is what it means to be an American! Anyone who says that by Americans not putting the environment first (i.e. The World) and that they don't care about everybody else is being disingenuous, because we really DO care about this planet we have to live on TOO! We just know for sure that those global-government Chicken Littles claiming that the sky is falling if we don’t surrender to their proposed solutions have an ulterior Machiavellian motive behind their rhetoric, and Trump had the wisdom to save us from it. |
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Smaller Government - The true left/right scale is a measure of government control. I believe government is a necessary evil, because you can't fight off foreign invasion alone, so the true left/right balance can only be maintained by "tying government down with the chains of The Constitution" (Thomas Jefferson). This makes me a Constitutional moderate. Just think of how much lower taxes would be, and how much more liberty we would have to pursue happiness (property), if government only concerned itself with what it should be concerned with. Government should be as small as possible. |
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Big Government - Consequently, I am of course opposed to big government. Government usually
grows from the legislator's socialistic desire to spend other people's money, often times with some of the
best of intentions (of which the road to Hell is paved with), and for which history has almost always shown
usually goes awry. The number one source of other people's money? Taxes; and, the more
socialist spending, the higher the taxes that are needed to cover that spending. No more Taxes!
Enough already!!! Therefore, I OPPOSE:
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Life - Chances are extremely good that if you're reading this, your parents believed in choosing life too. I'm one of those people who adds "born and unborn" to the Pledge of Allegiance (when I'm not the only one doing so as to not draw undue attention to myself), because The Declaration Of Independence guarantees the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (property), with unique DNA being the very first piece of property given an individual. Yes, I believe the liberty of the individual begins with life of the unborn child in the womb from the moment of conception. Now I know the law allows for mothers to choose, but I'm praying our nation chooses life (2 Chronicles 7:14). |
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Education - Our children are our future. If we don't teach them the way in which they should go, then we as a society will end up going nowhere. The greatest boost to my career was learning how to think, which has turned out to be much more valuable than what to think. If for example, you teach our children about fish, and not how to fish, then they will starve when we are gone; however, if you don't teach our children about the government that they were given, then they will lose it, and never get it back. FYI: According to state law, they are supposed to learn about it! |
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The 2nd Amendment - What part of "shall not be infringed" do the opponents of our rights
purposely not want to understand? A democracy is two wolves
and a sheep voting on what's for dinner, but in our republic, the sheep has the right to be armed. By
the wording, every law preventing citizens from being armed isn't Constitutional;
however, I agree that there are those who should not have guns, including criminals who have
abused their right to be armed, and the mentally ill. Democrats have purposely not kept the
registry up to date, so when the system fails, they can blame the 2nd Amendment.
Remember, the first step of tyrants is to disarm the population. I agree with
Wayne LaPierre I
heard at CPAC, teachers who choose to be qualified to own a gun must have the right to conceal-carry
to protect our children, and I am now a proud member of the NRA. |
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Guns Save Lives! - What proof do I offer? Compare and contrast the following:
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Military (and First Responders) - Anyone who honorably served deserves our total debt of gratitude, and this goes for police, fire fighters, and EMTs too; and, not only gratitude, but they deserve government care and benefits for putting their lives on hold and on the line for us. It is because of them that we enjoy the liberties that we now have. To all of you who may be reading this, thank you for your service, and God Bless! |
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Climate Change - I believe in climate change. Yes, I believe the Sun warms the planet, and it heats and cools it in cycles; however, I DO NOT believe in anthropogenic (human-caused) global climate change. Massachusetts adhering to the Paris Climate Accord will only reduce global temperatures by just 0.0022°C by 2100, for example, not only proves we're really not the cause of global climate change, but verifies that there's a political objective at work. Rights come from property, for which the law was created to protect, but when the law is legally changed to steal from us with some made-up excuse (global climate change), that's Socialism, for which in this case, Global Communism is sure to follow. Again, so glad that Trump had the wisdom to save us from Paris Climate Accord (Please see the "Rice Video" below for a better perspective.) |
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Secure Communities - We mustn't blame immigrants for wanting to come here to live, and we do
welcome those who want to improve their lives and help make our country great, but we can only assimilate
so many at a time. So, for those reasons, as well as for protecting our borders against our enemies who
don't want to make America great, and from those who only want to live off the hard work of others, we
have laws. To protect our citizens, we need to enforce our laws, and we must protect our borders,
language, and culture. I have heard it said: If You Broke in Through the Back Door, You're an INVADER. Let's welcome the Immigrants, and deport the Invaders. However: Because the government has allowed some illegal immigrants to live here for many years, it is up to the government who caused this problem to be responsible, step up, and solve this problem.  At this stage, especially for those who have lived here for years as law-abiding productive members of our communities, I don't believe that the solution in every case is to "round 'em up and ship 'em all home."  You have to handle it like teenage pregnancy by doing two things concurrently: First, you have to keep the teenagers separated to prevent further pregnancies (build a wall and enforce immigration policy); and Second, care for the child (not abort it) by teaching it to grow up to take care of itself (to not live off the system).  These things must be done to the objections of those who have political objectives to do otherwise. |
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Back The Blue - I totally Back The Blue! Where would we be without public safety and security? The police are to be honored, including all our public service officials; but, those who are selfish and would vote to steal and redistribute the wealth of their fellow citizens by raising taxes (i.e. Democrats) don’t give a second thought to going along with defunding the police. However, these voters should be real careful of what they wish for, because there is more to the defunding agenda than meets they eye. People don't want to have a policeman watching over their every move, but when there are no police, the people will clammor for police protection, but they will get what they don't want. Read more below.... |
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Heterosexual Marriage - Yes, I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. You've got to admit, it's been the basic building block of humanity's survival for many thousands of years; besides, it's what The Good Book promotes. However, I also believe in the principles of Liberty which imply personal responsibility, but Liberty also says you're free to marry your hamster, if you want; and, I'm not going to stop you if you do. I thank God He did not appoint me judge, jury, or executioner of His Word (He did ask me to tell people the Good News). I'm sure the people of Sodom and Gomorrah know the truth by now, but I can tell you with certainty that they didn't learn it the easy way. |
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Unions - When I was out campaigning for Quincy City Council At-Large, I was asked about my support of unions. On this one, I define the middle by the extremes, because I am all for unions; if, they are ultimately helping the company, the workers, and the public. I admit, unions totally helped make this country great! The opposite extreme can be seen with the example of what happened to the makers of the Hostess Twinkie. The unions got greedy, and the company folded. That didn't help anyone (except their competition, the liquidators, and those looking to scoop up bargains). |
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Public-Sector Unions - Unions certianly do help public employees with wages, benefits, and working conditions, but here's the rub: When private unions strike for higher pay and benefits, and get them, who pays? That's right, customers, who can either choose to continue purchasing the company's goods and services or not, or can usually purchase those same goods and services from competitors at a lower price. When a public-sector union strikes for pay and benefits, and gets them, who pays? That's right, the tax payer, who has no choice but to pay in the form of higher taxes, and the tax payer has no competitive resources to turn to. Just imagine if police or firefighters could strike. Public workers should never be allowed to strike; that is what elections are for. Watch this to learn more. |
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American Labor – There's definitely a point where businesses become too greedy (just as there's a point at which labor unions can get greedy, as explained above). For me, that line is crossed by businesses who relocate off shore, only just to save a few bucks; or, who import jobs when there are qualified American citizens available who are ready and willing to work them at a fair wage. I believe the line that, "There are jobs that Americans just won’t do," is a completely false premise meant as an excuse to needlessly hire foreign workers. |
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Right To Work - No one should be forced to pay union dues as condition of employment. Labor unions should be like political parties. I'm not forced to pay for the privilege to vote or to register as a Republican, because it is my right. But, I do voluntarily give my time, energy, and money to the Republican Party, as well as to Republican candidates whom I support..., as long as they are worth supporting. |
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Minimum Wage - This is a double-edge sword. When set properly, it may help prevent employers from abusing employees by setting their wages too low, but that's all. When set too high, it will eliminate entry level jobs, cut hours, and forces employers to higher fewer workers to do more work, as well as disincentivizing higher skilled labor, forcing pay raises across the board. This leads to higher inflation from costs passed along in the increased prices of goods and services, undermining the increase in the minimum wage. Watch this video and that video to learn more. |
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Technology - I am the first in support of technology, since the advancement and implementation technology have created the tools that have made America great, especially having over 30 years of engineering experience developing embedded software and my name on a patent. However, I am totally against Global Technocracy. "When technology is a tool, there is freedom; when we are ruled by technology (i.e. a technocracy), tyranny is inevitable."--Steve Tougas |
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TCI Tax - "Tax", because this is what it is, but it's much more than this. The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), is really a manipulative carbon tax "cap and trade" (the energy-based money of Technocracy) proposal for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil motor fuel use. In other words, it's not a tax to be used to fix our roads and bridges (They tax us enough for that already!), but an additional superfluous tax that's part of a behavioral modification initiative to force us to switch to all electric vehicles, because we're "bad" for wanting our gas guzzeling cars (that are no longer gas guzzeling, because of technological improvements). Read more about this and please sign the petition against this tax! |
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Fore River Compressor Station - Yes, we do need compressor stations, but certainly not in populated areas. I saw an Engineering Disasters documentary about a whole neighborhood instantaneously destroyed by an explosion and subsequently engulfed in flames because of unsafe conditions at a Compressor Station. Not only can I not support the possibility of this happening here, but it will expose those living within the Fore River Basin to breathing untreated toxic gases from regularly scheduled "blowdowns" containing known potential carcinogens. I myself have given hundreds of dollars to FRRACS to fight this. I don't understand how anybody but those belonging to special interest groups would want this near anybody, but now that it is built, this will require dilligence to monitor and catch them harming the community. |
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Single-Family Homes - Attending City Council and community meetings, it seems that all these contractors ever want to build are condominiums and apartment complexes (and, with minimal parking!). Our rights come from property, but what better way of exerting control than to put people under the rule of a Condo Association or a Property Management company (called "Lords" in Medieval times)? For the most part, the citizens living in the areas of the proposed projects don't want them, and are usually coerced to accept them, despite their demonstrated and often ignored opposition. Not only this, but I have had to skip canvassing entire apartment complexes, because of lack of access to the voters. If elected, I promise to do what I can to make more single-family homes available, and to help seniors stay in their homes. |
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All Lives Matter - Yes, I agree! Nobody’s life matters more than anybody else's. We are all created equal, according to The Declaration of Independence. The Black Lives Matter movement is just the latest incarnational gimmick of the Diversity Movement. This can be understood by reverse engineering it by asking the question, "How do we get a specific group of people to all vote our way?" Easy, by creating an inclusionary movement promoting them on the surface, but underneath, they are only accepted if they are the same politically (i.e. Black Votes Matter). I believe that me and my life are no more valuable or important than anyone else's, and I get along fine with my immediate neighbors, who are all black, by the way. |
* NOTE: | Despite my personal positions on the issues, I will represent the district, and not be a rubber stamp for anybody! |
Who is "Ronnie The Robotic Rubber Stamp?" The trouble with doing this is if you happen to be a duly elected State Representative, and you choose to almost always vote the way a specific individual wants you to vote, rather than listening to your conscience; or, way more importantly, rather than listening to your constituents, whom you are supposedly elected to represent (actually, your conscience should tell you to pay attention to your constituents!). It turns out that the current State Representative of our 3rd Norfolk District, Ronald Mariano, has over a 99.8% record of voting with Rob DeLeo, the Speaker of The House! I don't know anybody in politics who agree 99.8% of the time on anything! And, I hardly think the Speaker represents our district. This is proof to me that your elected officials aren't listening to you. They're acting like robots! That's not the representation I believe you in the 3rd Norfolk District voted for. Most people I talk to want lower taxes and fiscal responsi-bility. On that, Ron Mariano only gets an abysmal 10% rating from Citizens For Limited Taxation, and gets a bottom-of-the-barrel 0% rating from Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. He voted for a legislative pay raise of over 40%, overriding its veto! The ACU also gave him a 0% rating for the last two years with an abysmal life-time rating of only 3%! After almost 30 years in office, it’s time for him to go!!! Vote for me, Steve Tougas, and I promise you, I will represent you!* |
![]() Ronnie The Robotic Rubber Stamp - Votes 99.8% of the time the same as House Speaker Rob DeLeo |
* NOTE: | Despite my personal positions on the issues, I will represent the district, and not be a rubber stamp for anybody! |
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What's up with me?
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I Back The Blue! 100%!!! You can count on me, I signed the petition to support you!
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The 6 Deadly Bills!
Please tell Mariano to vote "NO!" and elect me to try and stop these!
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What's up with the news blackout?
![]() Massachusetts Family Institute ![]() June 27th Local Legislature vote on H4014, Renamed H4664 - Sat/Sun June 30-July 1, 2018 Patriot Ledger |
The Counselling Ban Bill (and why I have a good chance of winning):
![]() FRRACS Lawn Sign |
Health Impact Assessment study meeting:
![]() Close up photo of an electronic tolling gantry (Fair-use photo) |
Free Transponders for those "More Equal":
![]() Receipt from the Elections Division office |
Officially On The Ballot:
![]() End The Tolls - Update ![]() Driving Under A Blank Gantry on Route 24 - Photo taken from my car ![]() Open-Road Tolling Installation - What the blank gantries are most probably for (Fair-use photo) |
Mass Pike Expansion Update:
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"Why aren't you on Facebook?"
![]() A Bitcoin |
Steve Tougas, Crypto Candidate For State Representative?
![]() End The Tolls - Update ![]() Driving Under A Blank Gantry - Photo taken from my car |
Mass Pike Expansion Update:
![]() Example Self-Checkout Register (Fair-use photo with retailer name & logo blurred) |
Cashless Self-Checkout Push:
![]() Example Table-Top Kiosk (Fair-use photo with kiosk name removed) |
Cashless Self-Pay Push:
![]() Rep. David DeCoste, Chip Faulkner-CLT, Steve Tougas |
Mass Pike Expansion Opposition Testimony:
![]() End The Tolls - News & Information |
End The Tolls Ballot Initiative Update:
![]() Carbon Tax - A global tax on the air we exhale ![]() The "Rice Video" - CO2, a visual comparison |
Carbon Tax Testimony:
![]() Welcome To Massachusetts Highway Sign - If Bills H3269/S1305/S2289 become law |
Sanctuary State Testimony:
![]() Quincy "Sanctuary City" City Council Meeting ![]() No Quincy Sanctuary City Sign |
Quincy Sanctuary City Debate:
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I have been asked what legislation I would author if I were elected (i.e. "How do I intend to implement the vision I have promised for my district and this state?"). Here are some ideas I have had for bills, ballot petitions, and constitutional amendments. This list is just the start of a list I plan to address, should I be elected. Some are mine, and some are from others that have asked me to address issues they have that have morphed into the items listed below, for which I have named them as I have seen fit. As far as my own ideas, I don’t care about receiving credit; I just want to get done what’s needed. If you should like me to address other issues you may have, by all means, please send me an e-mail with the details; and, if I agree, I will add them to this list. |
![]() Picture I took of a road in the district showing repairs made to support poor quality asphalt |
Quality Paving Longevity Taxpayer Savings Act: Bill
![]() End The Tolls - Ballot Initiative |
An Initiative Petition for a Law to End All Tolling in Massachusetts: Ballot Petition
![]() News Flash: Our highways are NOT public! |
Public Property Voting Rights Restoration Amendment: Constitutional Amendment
![]() Geoff Diehl - 7th Plymouth |
![]() James J. Lyons, Jr. - 18th Essex |
![]() Marc T. Lombardo - 22nd Middlesex |
![]() Candidates: Jay McMahon - State Attorney General; Steve Tougas - State Representative, 3rd Norfolk; Geoff Diehl - U.S. Senate |
![]() Steve Tougas with Geoff Diehl, 2018 U.S. Senate Candidate, Holing a Trump banner |
![]() Steve Tougas standing out for President Trump with his fold-out Trump banner |
![]() Rayla Campbell, 2020 Candidate, U.S. Congress, 7th District |